Komura Akiko Ph.D
小村 明子
Official Web Site
About Me
Area Studies(Ph.D.) University lecturer
<Research Keywords>
Islam, Areas Studies,
Understanding different cultures
Hello. Welcome to my homepage. My name is Akiko Komura.
I specialize in Islam and have been conducting researches about Islam in non-Islam societies.
For more than ten years I have researched about Islam in Japan and the way of life of Japanese Muslims.
In the future, however, I plan to research about Islam in other countries focusing on Muslims
living in different socio-cultural situations.
I hope you enjoy my homepage. September 1, 2015 Akiko Komura
My Book
Jun 09, 2016
Gendai Shokan Publishing Co. Ltd. 2015.
¥2,600 +Tax
This book focuses on the following topics:
1. Islam: Its history and the Six Main Beliefs and the Five Pillars
2. History of Islam in Japan(1890-present)
3. The current situation of Islam in Japan
4. The real life of Japanese Muslims
5. Why some Japanese Muslims give up their Islamic faith
6. “Japanized” Islam attempted(Daawa activities by Japan Islamic Congress)
7. What is “Mahayana” Islam?
8. Understanding of Islam by non-Muslim Japanese
9. Why Islam does not spread in Japan: the cross-cultural analysis of Japan and Islam
Following are the four reviews of the book that have appeared:
The Nikkei July 12, 2015
Tokyo shinbun・Chunichi shinbun July 19, 2015
Yomiuri shinbun July 19, 2015
HONTZ July 29, 2015
Japanese society still has very little understanding of Islam. However, Japan is now at the crossroads of history faced with the tasks of promoting tourism from Muslim countries, dealing with “Halal” products, the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics etc.
Reading this book I hope you will learn about the history of Islam and its present situation in Japan.
I also hope you will learn about the Japanese people who have converted to Islam for various reasons and how they live in Japanese society.
They live in two cultures. In other words, they live as Muslims as well as Japanese.
How do they practice Islam in Japanese society? By looking at them you will see they are making efforts to live in harmony with different cultures and understand what exactly intercultural understanding might mean.
Furthermore, looking over their way of life you might find a clue to envisage a possible symbiotic society in the world.
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